Minor burns, while typically less severe than major burns, still require careful attention to prevent complications and ensure proper healing. At M&V San Jose Medical Center, we provide expert treatment for minor burns, including immediate cooling of the affected area, thorough cleaning, and application of appropriate dressings. Our experienced team will assess the burn’s severity and offer personalized advice to manage pain and promote healing. We focus on minimizing discomfort, preventing infection, and supporting your recovery process with tailored aftercare instructions. Trust us to deliver compassionate and effective care, helping you return to normal activities as quickly and comfortably as possible.
For minor burns, our team first cools the affected area with running cool water to reduce heat and prevent further damage. We then clean the burn gently, apply a sterile dressing, and provide pain relief if needed. We’ll also give you detailed instructions for at-home care to support optimal healing.
Treating a minor burn at our facility generally takes about 15 to 30 minutes, depending on the burn’s extent. Minor burns typically heal within 1 to 2 weeks with proper care. Our prompt and thorough treatment ensures you get the best care for a swift and smooth recovery.
Cool the burn under running cool water for at least 10 minutes to reduce heat and prevent further damage before seeking medical care.
While many minor burns can be treated at home, seeing a doctor ensures proper treatment and reduces the risk of complications.
Applying cool compresses and over-the-counter pain relievers can help manage pain. Follow any additional advice provided by your healthcare provider.
Avoid applying ice, butter, or other home remedies that can worsen the burn. Also, avoid breaking any blisters that form, as this can lead to infection.
Keep the burn clean and covered with a sterile dressing. Apply topical treatments as advised and monitor for signs of infection.
Seek medical care if the burn covers a large area, causes severe pain, or shows signs of infection such as increased redness or swelling.